An Interview (1989): Trinh T. Minh Ha




Providence, RI





5in x 6in, 32 pages

Typeface used: Piazzolla, Viaoda Libre

Rubber band experimental binding

Holographic Cardstock, Acetate, Uncoated paper

The 1989 interview with Trinh T. Minh Ha, a Vietnamese-American theorist, composer, educator and filmmaker, was fully transcribed and transformed into a publication that embraces the idea of slow reading and non-conforming creativity. From the overlapping of 2 bright riso colors to the unstable binding of rubber band, I intended to completely disrupt the audience’s reading pattern to fully capture the experience of reading as if “listening” to Ms.Trinh talking.

The 2 riso colors are strategically chosen to create traditional anaglyph effect with a modern twist, a digital viewing lens on the web. The web app (can be access below) put a filter on the viewer’s phone camera without storing any user data.

Last but not least, 3 different illustrations were done inspired by each of the film Ms.Trinh mentioned in the conversation. 

Your viewing lens

Originally built by Dan Wilson for Carnovsky